Perlane: Dermal Fillers On The Rise

Submitted by: Lisa Ortega

Getting rid of wrinkles, fine lines, scars, and other sorts of skin depressions is fast becoming a simple reality with cosmetic skin care s new breakthroughs. Dermal fillers are becoming a popular skin care request in various areas of treatment, including treatments like lip enhancement, filling in hollow areas around the eyes, and wrinkle fillers.

One leading treatment option is Perlane, an injection of Hyaluronic acid which does not require any skin safety tests prior to treatment. The injections are usually performed and within 4-8 months the most advanced results can be seen. The results from each injection can last for about 6-8 months and must then be re-done to keep the desired look in effect. Perlane is fast becoming the dermal filler of choice due to its lasting longer and being a safe alternative to any sort of dermal filler option. Being a non-animal derived from of hyaluronic acid, the body is more likely to respond favorably to injections.

Perlane can be used with other cosmetic treatments such as Botox and is safe when used in conjunction with others as well. Injections to an overall area can take about 30-45 minutes. Since the injections are not permanent, the body will naturally break down the injections over time. Since it is non-permanent and natural, treatments appear more natural. Usually, treatments can cause minor redness, burning, and tenderness which gradually subside with time. Injections usually need to be repeated every year or so to keep the desired effect.

As with any cosmetic treatment, there is always a need to ask questions and make sure that the treatment is right for you and your skin. Speaking to a nurse practitioner or dermatologist in your area is always a great way to understand the treatment, you options, and the costs. Since the use of Perlane is considered and elective and cosmetic procedure, major health insurance providers will usually not cover the costs. Each session usually costs about $500-$900 depending on the location and specific rates. Understanding the financial commitment is always a good idea.

Additionally, making sure that an experienced health care professional such as a trained nurse practitioner, who is experienced in dermal fillers, or a dermatologist, is treating you can be reassuring. Since some other treatments of its kind are comprised of more animal ingredients, Perlane is usually a bit more costly because of its being a vegan choice. This is obviously important to some who are interested in cosmetic skin care and can also alleviate some skin allergies. There are some rare occurrences of granuloma which occur after injections, which is a dramatic swelling of the area. These are rare occurrences yet it is still a good idea to be aware of what benefits and risks are involved in any skin care treatment.

Speaking to a professional skin care doctor, such as a dermatologist, is a great way to get the answers that you need to make sure which skin care options are best for your skin are your situation. By remaining informed, you highly improve your satisfaction rate.

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