Ceylon Green Tea And Benefits}

  • Tea

Submitted by: Vaishali Saffron

Since decades, Sri Lanka is one of the major producers of tea and holds a considerable percentage in its export. Sri Lankan tea is popular worldwide as Ceylon tea. Its name is derived from the older name of this nation i.e. Ceylon till 1972. Nearly 150 years ago, an expert from Scotland found the climatic condition of Sri Lanka suitable for the production of Ceylon black tea. Today, Ceylon green tea produced here is recognized as one of the best quality teas cultivated around the world.

You can buy Ceylon tea online for its mesmerizing blend and flavor. In terms of tea, the climate and atmosphere has significant effect on its aroma. The taste of Ceylon tea is absolutely different than any other tea found around the world. Also, it possesses immense health benefits. Ceylon green tea has numerous remedial effects for the people consuming 3-5 cups daily. Some of the best advantages of Ceylon tea are.

Weight Loss:

People buy Ceylon tea online to enjoy the advantage of its weight loss properties. This tea is encompassed of compounds called Polyphenols having flavonoids. According to a study, flavonoids are valuable to increase the rate of metabolism. It is a commonly known fact that enhanced metabolism can reduce excess fat stored in your body.

Best for Skin:

Polyphenols, the same property which is helpful in reducing weight, also ensures a healthy glowing skin. Actually, it is an anti-oxidant that supports body to flush out toxins. Ceylon black tea keeps your skin hydrated and its anti-oxidants delay the formation of wrinkles. This makes your skin look fresh and healthy for a long time.

Reduce Heart Problems:

Buy Ceylon tea online to reduce the problems related to heart. Today, heart problems are growing significantly. Whether it is blood pressure or arteries blockages, it is becoming one of the major causes of death globally. Few properties in Ceylon green tea are helpful in normalizing the blood pressure. Its anti-oxidant element is helpful in cleaning the arteries. Smooth flow of blood and clean arteries reduce pressure on the heart and provide longevity to your life.

Enhance Brain Function and Memory:

Anti-oxidants called Catechins present in Ceylon green tea are helpful to enhance the memory power and improve brain functionality. Caffeine is also found in abundance in Ceylon tea. It helps to keep your mind sharp and focused.

Improve Oral Health:

Ceylon black tea provides freshness to your mouth and prevents bad breath. Its anti-bacterial effects are helpful in reducing the tooth decay problems.

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Since centuries, tea has been recognized as a sweet welcome drink. Surprisingly, tea is the most consumed drink after water. It energizes and enhances performance with its robust aroma and medicinal properties. Often, workaholics drink many cups of tea when working for long hours. People working for late hours prefer to take a sip to stay calm and motivated. There are lots of varieties available for buy tea online.

Loose tea online varieties from Japan, China, Sri Lanka, India, Tanzania and other states is available on the leading web stores. Green tea, white tea, black tea, oolong tea, and herbal tea are some of the major varieties of tea leafs online. Beyond refreshment, tea provides lots of health advantages to its consumer. Let us explore some tea health benefits here.

About the Author: This article is written by a health advisor who is working with


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