Flexibility Brings The Blessing}

Submitted by: Shontta Stevens

The current social and economic atmospheres are a breeding ground for a myriad of negative thoughts, emotions and actions. With so many people facing dire financial, vocational and family woes, you may find yourself wishing you were someone else, with someone else living life in another persons shoes. Simply wishing and daydreaming wont change circumstances. But, being flexible can change everything.

And coupled with the Blessing of the Lord, flexibility can change your life. In Genesis 12:2-3 God not only told Abram that He would be blessed, but that he would be a blessing. And in Deuteronomy 28:1-14, God said that every thing they put their hands to would be blessed. What type of flexibility did this require? In both of these references God also commanded his followers to be flexible in their actions. The human being had to make changes. Abram had to leave his kinsmen. The children of Israel had to fully obey the commands He was giving them. Herein is where flexibility brings the Blessing. Ive witnessed people hinder the Blessing in their lives because of a lack of flexibility in certain areas. Id like to share some insight on these. Vocational, financial, mental, emotional and spiritual flexibility can enhance your daily life and perpetuate the Blessing no matter the environment.

Imagine a person full of life, movement and vitality who is suddenly stifled by arthritis or paralyzed in an accident. These circumstances would be quite dejecting to this individual who is now unable to move at will. The same concept is applicable to the aforementioned areas of flexibility. God said in Malachi 3:6, I AM the Lord, I change not. This verse identifies the fact that if we are going to walk with God we must be flexible we must be willing to change. And God is so all-powerful that He causes us to become more flexible the more we conform to His will and ways. We become more like Him. This type of malleability cements us in the fact that acting on the unchanging Word of God brings us into unlimited ability and freedom.

If youve been telling yourself, I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me, (Philippians 4:13) and meaning it, you have every right to expect results. As opportunities present themselves for you to enhance yourself vocationally, you must be flexible and act. The only place you are ever stuck in is your mind.

Here are four steps to vocational flexibility.

1. Never stop learning. When an opportunity presents itself for you to advance yourself by taking a course or workshop, do it! Make the necessary adjustments in your schedule.


2. Be sharp and alert. I tell my children this way, The better you look, the better youll feel. The better you feel, the better youll do.

3. Work on your dream. That is the thing that God put in you that you love to do and it comes naturally.

4. Do your work as unto the Lord. Colossians 3:17 tells us that whatever we do in word or deed should be done in the name of Jesus.

For example, my degree focused on public relations and print media. However, Ive always loved sports and fitness; and when the opportunity came for me to educate myself in that area, I took hold of it. Now I am doing two of the things I enjoy most and being paid to boot! The Message Bible says, Let every detail in your liveswords, actions, whateverbe done in the name of the Master, Jesus, thanking God the Father every step of the way. Every detail means work too. Ultimately you are working for the Lord regardless of your current vocation. Even if it is not where you want to be, use these steps and activate the ability God put inside you to give yourself vocational flexibility. The more knowledgeable you become about your craft or career, the more you will be worth. Then you will be able to fully live out the Blessing by walking in that ability; because God gave it to you specifically to be a blessing to others (Genesis 12:2 AMP). And, finances always follow.

Financial flexibility gives you options and ability. Will you be vacationing this year? Are your children in private school? When was your last dinner out (not by way of the drive thru!)? Or worse, is the electricity on? Surrounding us is constant pressure to panic. Dont be pressured and dont panic. God is not fearful or nervous. Hes not in the throneroom pacing the floor and biting his nails (Isaiah 40:28-31).

Proverbs 10:22 says that the Blessing of the Lord makes us rich and adds no sorrow to it. When we allow God into our finances He will give us all things in due season. This is why we must obey His word on financial discipline. We must be flexible in order to become financially flexible. First and foremost if you dont tithe, start today! Thats what the Covenant Blessing is all about.

If youve never saved in your life, you have to include savings in your budget. Proverbs 13:11 tells us that gathering money little by little makes it grow. You will grow and become financially flexible when you obey and apply Gods word to your assets. You must have something in the barn for Him to bless and you must put your hand to it (Deuteronomy 28:1-14). No matter what the economy is doing, you will be able to go on vacation, put your children in private school, go out to dinner and keep the lights on!

Remember, Isaac sowed in an year of famine and reaped one hundred fold (Genesis 26:12). And his grandson Joseph saved during the seven years of plenty in order to have grain in famine (Genesis 41:48-49). In fact, the savings grew so large that they stopped keeping record of it! Forgive me for the exclamations, but I get so excited recounting these blessings of obedience and provision. I encourage you to study the lives of these two patriarchs and emulate their actions. They both heard God and were flexible enough to fully obey His commands. In so doing, the Blessing was fully manifested in their lives.

Vocational and financial inflexibility can cause mental and emotional distress. Romans 12:2 in the Amplified reads:

Do not be conformed to this world (this age), [fashioned after and adapted to its external, superficial customs], but be transformed (changed) by the [entire] renewal of your mind [by its new ideals and its new attitude], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God, even the thing which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His sight for you].

The world is external and superficial and we are told here not to conform to it. You may be inflexible emotionally because circumstances have you down. You may not have been taught that you can take authority by speaking and acting on the Word. I encourage you to be flexible and be transformed in your mind and emotions. Dont allow religious dogma (or any mental negativity) to stifle your growth and pending flexibility. Be willing to change your thoughts by feeding on the Word. Take the old, impure and negative thoughts captive (2 Corinthians 10:2) do it verbally. Under emotional pressure, call on God. Be flexible by speaking the word instead of having a meltdown. Whatever your usual derogatory action, intentionally deflect it with the Word. And remember, all you need is one word! Know that God has exalted above all things His name and His word (Psalm 138:2; Philippians 2:9-10).

Select one or two scriptures that cover your situation and commit them to memory. Faith comes by hearing (Romans 10:17).

These actions will relinquish the control of your flesh from your emotions to your spirit. Once you create spiritual flexibility, you are on a collision course with success in life. For it is the Spirit, that guides us into the Truth (John 16:13-15). And if your mind and emotions are not in flex, how can your spirit lead you? Luke 8:18 AMP says that to him who has spiritual knowledge will more be given. Once again, flexibility begets flexibility. Feed your spirit and it will feed you. I trust you were enriched and encouraged by this series of articles. I welcome your feedback.

Be blessed friends and have the perfect day everyday!

Psalm 138:8

About the Author: Shontta Stevens holds a BS in Communication, is a writer and a group fitness instructor. She and her husband of 11 years live in Texas with their two children. Every

Christian Believer

should Experience the Covenant Blessing.



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