Arabian Marriage Traditions Arabic Wedding

By Rafi Michael

Marriage is a gala event in every society which is celebrated with lots of fervor and thrill. Generally, traditions are followed which have been practiced since ages. A marriage between a boy and a girl are considered a union of two souls. As a well known saying goes that man and woman are wheels of a chariot and any type of imbalance between the two can result in falling of the chariot. With the mutual understanding of each others nature, a rapport can be established between the two and they can lead a happy and prosperous life.

Generally community rules are followed when marriages are performed. Arabian culture is no exception to this rule. From the ancient times, people had been practicing these rules.

Arabian marriages laws permit a man to have four wives. But in modern age, when expenses are very high to maintain, men are generally sticking to a single wife.

In old culture, marriage was generally fixed at the age of ten or eleven. The marriage was like a business contract. Marriage could also take place between first and second cousins of the fathers side. This was probably done to extend the families and the tribes. A marriage was particularly fixed by the families which were followed by the necessary arrangements.

Divorces were rare because it can break the extended families. A divorce can occur, if the husband says I divorce you three times to the wife. It usually takes three months before the couple actually separated. Male children were allowed to stay with the father.


In Arabian marriages, there was no space for romance or dating. Often, girl and boy have been meeting for the first time on their wedding day. Girl was given dowry which consists of gifts, jewel and the cash. Groom also gives some gifts to the bride. The bride money or the traditional hakh mehar was also paid to the family members of the bride.

Before marriage, bride was decorated with the henna. Beautiful patterns were drawn on the hands and feet of the girl.

Often, the girl was half the age of her husband if she happens to be the fourth wife.

Girls were looked down before the coming of Islam. They were often killed after the birth. However, Islam guarded women and they were given due honor. Various laws were implemented for their welfare.

Widows were allowed to remarry. Even the prophet wives were divorcees. The Islam recognized the need of women after she was widowed.

In the Arabian societies, women were generally kept in a veil which separates them from the men folk. They usually stay at harems. They dont have permission to go out until they are accompanied by their husband or the brother.

The women were also required to cover their faces when they go out. However, there is no such compulsion at home.

Often the marriage in the Arabian society is celebrated with much of excitement and gaiety like any other community. The community feast with lots of cuisines and drinks is served to the guests. Meat in Arabian societies is main part of the cuisine.

Dances and music mark the occasion and lifts the spirits of the people.

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