Bemoaning The Destruction Of Trees

By Rose Dempsey

Regal trunks, strewn,

scattered like bodies on a battle field.

Once majestic providers of shade,

leafy statuesque reminders of God’s power.


Hewn down.

Forest ravaged by man and metal.

Woods no more,


just rotting limbs

and earth

and sadness.

Soon beauty will be replaced by houses,

tarmac will cover the red earth,

money will flow.

Gone the life giving oxygen

to be replaced by



Gone the silence of the

cool, damp shadiness.

Gone the birdsong

and woody scents.

Gone forever,

destroyed for mans greed.


no one will remember

that once trees stood here,

majestically holding court.


there may be no more trees.

About the Author: Rose Dempsey has been writing poetry most of her life and has been published in various anthologies, Poetry Now magazine, church bulletins and newspapers. She lives in SC with her husband and a menagerie of goats, chickens, cats, dogs, guinea fowl and a house full of foster kittens


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