Crohn’s Disease And Bariatric Surgery

Submitted by: Tom Nelson

There is an estimated 500,000 Americans that suffer from Crohn’s disease, an inflammatory bowel disease that results in reoccurring irritation of the intestinal tract. In its worst form, the condition creates a high level of pain that can weaken a patient to the point of incapacity. Some will face life-threatening complications regarding their Crohn disease and may need a more intense method of treatment. After taking medication, exploring Crohn’s disease natural healing, and undergoing a series of tests, some believe that Crohn’s disease surgery may turn out to be the best course of action to consider.

Since there is no medical cure for Crohn’s disease, a variety of therapy approaches may be combined to lessen the signs and symptoms of the condition. Long-term remission is also possible. Below you will find some of the treatments patients may consider when battling Crohn’s disease.

Crohn’s Disease Treatments

Depending on the severity of Crohn’s disease, a patient may find relief though medications that ease abdominal cramps and diarrhea. By remedying these symptoms, the inflammation of the colon may decrease. When the Crohn’s disease is a severe case, patients may receive steroid medications, antibiotics, and other immune system-boosting prescriptions.


Some patients benefit from following a Crohn’s disease diet that basically avoids the types of foods that affects their condition. This kind of diet will not be the same for everyone, but some common items to steer clear of include hot spices, alcohol, milk products, and fiber.

As you visit the office of the surgeon who will perform your procedure, you will find that Crohn’s disease and bariatric surgery contain some similarities and are grouped within the same branch of medicine that deals with the intestines, stomach, and colon. Although the surgeries involved do not cure Crohn’s disease or obesity, they aim to ease the pain and stress associated with these conditions, as well as correct the complications connected to chronic symptoms. Crohn’s disease and bariatric surgery are for people who have not responded well to previous attempts to gain relief.

With Crohn’s disease, a patient may face one of the two main types of surgery. The first deals with the drainage of abscesses that have accumulated on the bowel. Sometimes a part of the bowel is removed, which eliminates a blockage that was once present. Some individuals will undergo an ostomy, which deals with the removal of a section of their intestines. A new opening is then created for the body to release their bowel movements. Depending on the type of surgery selected, varying amounts and parts of the intestines are removed. For instance, in an ileostomy, the colon and rectum are removed, while the bottom section of the small intestine is attached to another created opening in the body.

Over the years, herbal remedies and Crohn’s disease natural healing options have made strides for those looking for an alternative to surgery. Some of the selections that a patient may consider include German chamomile, Mexican wild yam, probiotics, and bitter candytuft.

Overall, it is the intensity and frequency of the symptoms associated with Crohn disease that will determine the best approach towards gaining relief and making the condition more manageable to live with.

About the Author: Tom Nelson believes in taking a more holistic approach to treating and curing chronic diseases. For more information on Crohn’s Disease please visit

Crohns Disease and Living Probiotics



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