Finding The Right Fort Lauderdale Marketing Agency

Finding the Right Fort Lauderdale Marketing Agency


Beth Swanson1

Fort Lauderdale is nearly synonymous with sunny skies, beautiful beaches and memorable vacations. It’s a tourist haven that features hotels that cater to every income, as well as a business capital that is home to software companies, financial services giants and the international trade industry. Getting your business noticed in the diverse Fort Lauderdale market requires more than just any marketing company. You need a Fort Lauderdale marketing agency that understands the ins and outs of doing business in this bustling, robust, thriving city.


Getting Noticed in Fort Lauderdale: Why a Fort Lauderdale Marketing Agency Works Fort Lauderdale is a crowded market. The typical marketing strategies and tactics that might rocket your business to the top of the search engine results in a smaller market won’t make a blip on the radar in Fort Lauderdale Internet marketing. And while most local businesses in other towns are focusing on a local market, Fort Lauderdale businesses are often attempting to attract international attention. That calls for specialized marketing and SEO practices that will get your company noticed in a huge, diverse and crowded field. Would you hire a New York City realtor to sell your home in Pembroke Pines? Of course not! You’d want a local agent who understands the area and is on the scene to manage your marketing locally. National marketing companies simply don’t know the marketplace the way that a Fort Lauderdale marketing agency does. A local agency has the right contacts and the right knowledge to market your business the right way. Unlike national companies, which can be large, slow and impersonal, a Fort Lauderdale Internet marketing company is located right here, where you do business. Here are five good reasons to choose a local Fort Lauderdale marketing agency to handle the marketing for your local business. Face to Face Business Effective communication is a key factor in developing a successful Internet marketing campaign. When you work with a local Fort Lauderdale Internet marketing firm, you can sit down and discuss your needs face to face, where the potential for miscommunication is much lower. A local agency can do site visits to your company to get a feel for the company culture, and to create promotional photographs and videos for your website or Internet marketing campaign. More effective communication is one of the key benefits of working with a local marketing company. Local Contacts and Assets Because a local business works with many clients in the same area, a Fort Lauderdale marketing agency has resources, assets and contacts in and around the region that can benefit you greatly. The benefits can be subtle – for example, knowing precisely which restaurants and local businesses to reference in website content – but they’re effective in positioning your business as a true local company that knows its business. Local Reputation People who are unhappy with the service they receive from a company talk to their friends and neighbors. When your marketing agency is located on the other side of the country, they don’t care much about their local reputation. Local companies, on the other hand, know that one dissatisfied customer can seriously hurt their reputation. They work harder to please you, which means you get better service. Leverage Local Talent When you hire a national company to do your marketing work for you, they often outsource the actual work to local Fort Lauderdale marketing agencies. When that happens, you end up paying more for the same services because you’re paying a middleman. Why pay extra when the talent is right here? Support Your Local Economy When a Fort Lauderdale company does business with a Fort Lauderdale marketing agency, you’re supporting the local economy and helping to make it stronger and more robust. That’s got a multiplier effect that will also help lift your business as the market grows stronger and stronger. Whether you’re marketing to a Fort Lauderdale market or on the international marketplace, if your business is in southern Florida, you can’t do better than to choose a Fort Lauderdale marketing agency to handle your Internet marketing needs.

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