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Submitted by: Allen Franklin

Wine glasses

Primarily used for drinking and wine tasting, the wine glass refers to a specific type of glass stemware manufactured in three distinct parts the bowl, the foot (base), and the stem. The type of wine that one is drinking typically determines the type of wine glass that is used for the occasion. Pliny the Elder, who was an author, naturalist, and philosopher, is credited with making the first documented writing regarding drinking vessels manufactured out of gold and silver in the first century AD.

When gold and silver were abandoned in favor of the now popular glass versions, pricing was as exorbitant as it was for the ones made of gold and silver. Enameled goblets from 15th century Europe are the oldest known surviving wine glasses from a past era. For the purposes of definition, a goblet is any type of wine glasses that hold more than 4 ounces of liquid.

Wine Glass Etiquette

Although it is common knowledge to wine aficionados and connoisseurs, most people overlook or are unaware of the fact that there is certain etiquette involved in drinking from wine glasses. Typically, the most neglected aspect of the wine glass is its stem, its purpose being the holding of the glass. Wine glasses should always be held by the stem when drinking or tasting the liquid. This prevents the body temperature of the hand from affecting the wine, especially if it has been served chilled.


Additionally, holding any wine glass by the bowl leaves fingerprints and therefore distorts the appearance of the wine. This is important to remember since a critical aspect of wine tasting involves an examination of the wine s clarity and color. Also, when toasting with wine glasses, holding it by the stem allows proper sound to occur from clinking the glasses together. So as you can see, wine glass etiquette is both aesthetic and physical in nature.

Materials used in the Manufacture of Wine Glasses

There are several schools of thought involved with what materials wine glasses are best manufactured from. Here are some notes where that is concerned:

Cut or fused glass are not desirable materials to use since they are apt to interfere with the wine s flavor and oftentimes have a rough and/or thick lip that makes drinking the wine very uncomfortable for some.

Blown glass is a better choice of material and is considered acceptable by the casual wine drinker due to a thinner lip.

Lead crystal is the material of choice in the more serious wine drinking circles, the advantages of which are primarily aesthetic. Lead crystal is heavier, has a higher refraction index, and results in an ease of workability during the manufacturing process.

The 4 Most Common Shapes

Since the criteria of wine glass manufacturing is partially founded in the aroma (or bouquet ) and flavor of the wine, the shape of them is an important aspect. The four most common shapes or types of wine glasses are:

Champagne flutes

Red Wine glasses

White Wine glasses

Sherry glasses

About the Author:

Wine glasses

is classic in shape and elegant in style available at


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