Getting Prepared For Liposuction What You Need To Know

Submitted by: Todd Erwin

Pre-Surgery Medical Checks

Before you undergo a liposuction procedure the American Association of Plastic Surgeons recommends patients to go through a sequence of physical examinations. These exams should be used to determine the patient s suitability for the surgical procedure. Your doctor will need to establish that you are healthy enough for the surgery and will need to rule out any underlying medical issues that may complicate the surgery. Patients absolutely must discuss all health issues, especially any current drugs that they may be using, prescription or over-the-counter drugs, with their doctor. Also, your doctor will need to be aware of any herbal remedies the patient may be using as well. Every physician needs the patient to provide a detailed medical history in order to have a clear awareness of the specific risk posed to the patient.

Choosing the Specific Procedure

Once the decision to pursue liposuction is made, the patient will be presented with a series of possible procedures, including traditional liposuction and tumescent liposuction (a newer procedure with less blood loss). The doctor will also discuss the level and type of anesthesia (local or general) that will be used during the procedure. The physician will also explain the length of the surgery, the number of incisions to be made, expectations regarding amount and severity of scarring, and the anticipated recovery time.


Understanding the Actual Surgical Procedure

Your surgeon will generally use a marker to outline the body areas to be affected. Anesthesia will be administered and take effect. The surgeon will make an incision through the skin, inserting a hollow steel tube under the skin to suction fatty tissue out of your body. The fluid which is lost during this procedure can be considerable, therefore the patient will receive IV fluids to prevent dehydration during the procedure.

Receiving the anesthesia

All surgery procedures usually entail a considerable amount of pain and discomfort, but these ill-effects will be reduced by either local or general anesthesia. In the tumescent liposuction type of surgery, some doctors use only the fluids associated with the surgery as an anesthesia. In other cases, doctors will use intravenous sedation, epidurals and even general anesthesia during surgery. In all cases the patient s blood pressure, pulse and oxygen levels are closely monitored.

Expectations for post-operative conditions

Patients will need someone to drive them to and from the site of the procedure. Some procedures are performed in outpatient settings, but many procedures require a brief hospital stay. Remember to pack a bag with everything that you will need for an overnight stay. Even outpatient procedures will leave you too tired, uncomfortable or groggy to drive yourself home.

Recovery Time

Recovering from liposuction varies from patient to patient and upon the extent of the procedure. There is always swelling that develops after surgery and often some bruising as well. Following surgery, patients are given a light compressive garment to wear over the treated area. This is worn continuously for the first two days and then most of the time for 2 to 4 weeks. Bruises usually resolve within 7 to 10 days. The swelling resolves gradually. By the third week following surgery, the swelling has diminished enough for the results to start to show. However, the results will continue to improve as the remainder of the swelling resolves.

About the Author: San Diego Anti-Aging and Cosmetic Surgery is committed to maintaining our reputation as the experts in the Cosmetic surgery, Anti-aging and Weight Loss Fields. We specialize in

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