Great Restaurant Discounts Are Still Available, Despite Tough Economic Times}

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Great Restaurant Discounts are Still Available, Despite Tough Economic Times


Mindy Tyson McHorse

In the midst of an economic crunch, one of the first things consumers start to cut back on is eating out. While this is a wise way to save money, theres no need to go cold turkey. If you enjoy going out to eat or if you like to celebrate special occasions with a night out on the town, take heart: there are plenty of ways to enjoy great restaurant discounts even at your favorite diners. Below are some guidelines for finding some of the best restaurant discounts.

Look for discount booklets

Several town and city organizations offer different types of discount booklets that feature a variety of great restaurant discounts. To get such a booklet, you typically have to pay a fee in the range of $10 – $30. Once youve paid for and receive the booklet, you have access to coupons and special codes that offer you several hundred dollars in savings. Not only does this cancel out your original investment, it also makes it possible for you to eat out at a multitude of restaurants on the cheap.

Coupons in such books vary quite a bit when it comes to discounts. Some will offer buy one get one free deals while others give a flat discount anywhere from 5% to 20% off. Still others will offer you perks such as a free drink with any qualifying purchase.

Discount booklets are best for individuals who like to try a variety of foods. Most of the restaurants featured in such booklets only offer a handful of coupons, so to make the discount booklet really work for you its best to visit a wide range of eateries. If youre the type of person who only likes to dine at a select few restaurants in town, a discount booklet may not be the best option for you.

Discount booklets are commonly advertised by nonprofit organizations and schools. Many city websites feature ads for such booklets. Discount booklets may also be sold through fliers in your mail or through door-to-door efforts. Most booklets are valid for one year and then expire, often to be replaced by a new and updated version of the same booklet.

Search out holiday specials

The down economy is hitting the food business just as hard as its hitting the average consumer, so be on the lookout for specials offered by restaurants in an effort to get customers in the door. Many restaurants and diners will offer special discounted meals around holidays such as Valentines Day or St. Patricks Day. Part of this is to promote new menu items and part of it is to encourage folks to come in and celebrate at a discount. In addition, many restaurants offer perks such as free desserts for birthday celebrations, though not all follow this tradition. Its wise to call ahead to any restaurant youre considering visiting to find out whether they honor festivities such as birthdays.

Sample discount eateries

If youre not much of a chef in the kitchen or if you really just like to eat out, you can cut costs by visiting a different type of restaurant: discount eateries. These include buffet-style restaurants, order-at-the-counter cafes, and fast-food eateries. Essentially, any place where youre not being waited on by a service person for every aspect of your meal is likely to be slightly cheaper than a full-blown restaurant.

Dont worry yourself that the quality of food is lower at a location where youre not served by a waiter. The presentation is simply different, and the food may be just as good as or even better than the traditional restaurant setting.

An additional bonus to the lower prices youll find at discount eateries is the fact that you do not have to pay as much money in tips. Whereas a restaurant with full-blown server service usually dictates a tip between 15% and 20%, a buffet-style restaurant where servers only bring your beverages requires a tip closer to 10% of your bill. Eateries where you order at the counter and then pick up your food often have tip jars, and in such cases it is up to you as to whether you deem the service extraordinary enough to warrant a tip.

Change up your timing

Another way to enjoy great restaurant discounts is to simply visit at a different time of day. Consider going out to eat for lunch or breakfast instead of dinner. Youre likely to find prices slightly rolled back from the evening fare. In many cases, you can get the same meal for lunch that you can order for dinner, only in a slightly smaller serving and at a slightly lower cost. Treat this as a double perk it not only helps you cut costs, it also assists you in efforts to trim your waistline.

Ultimately, there are quite a few great restaurant discounts to be had. Though it doesnt hurt to cut back, remember that you can still enjoy a nice evening (or afternoon) of going out to eat without breaking the bank. Just keep your eyes and ears open for advertisements of discounts, specials, and coupons.

Author Bio: Mindy Tyson McHorse is a contributing writer for, your information resource and community for money-saving tips and offers so you can shop, compare, and save money on just about everything.

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Great Restaurant Discounts are Still Available, Despite Tough Economic Times}

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