How To Use Split Testing For Ecommerce Websites?}

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Submitted by: Bal Rai

If you own or manage an e-commerce website then one question will always bother you; which would be how can I sell more stuff? To succeed, there are various different strategies one can use. One can be of getting more traffic to your website through paid ads, SEO & SMM (social media marketing). Another can be to reach out to your potential audience through email. Both the ways are vital and play a key role in the success of the brand. But does this ends when you get the desired traffic? Certainly not; the question here to know is, are the visitors enticed to buy your product or service when they come to your page? Or do they leave the page even before they give themselves a chance of checking out your offerings.

Here, the design of your website matters a lot; visual merchandising, as its called in the real world and several businesses spend a lot of money ensuring that they get the right design. Similarly, the website copy matters as well. This is your virtual sales patter, which persuades the visitors to click the buy button. Whats the way to optimize your store so more of your website visitors become your client? There are few things out of which split test is one.

Whats Split Testing?

Many consider split testing to be a commanding weapon in the collection of eCommerce brands. Split testing lets you change any element of the website and also perceive as to how that change influences the behaviour of your customer. The exact impact of the change can be seen as some visitors could see the website in its earlier form while the new one will be available for viewing for others. This is the weapon nearly every digital marketing company in India possesses these days.

Split testing also lets you see whether the changes you make get your visitors to:

Click where you wish them to do so

Spend time in excess on a particular page or on the website

Sign up to your email list & buy more stuff

Use of Split Testing

Any internet marketing agency can use the split testing for all types of marketing right from pay per click ads to email campaigns. On your ecommerce site, you can test anything that could change the way your website visitors behave. You can test it if you are able to tweak it. It includes your design and copy as well. Here you can test some simple things such as: product descriptions and photographs, the color of a buy button, pricing, product page layout and the design of sign up forms. More complicated things can also be tested such as the overall structure of the site, the way you categorize products, the way your search bar functions and various types of check out process.

Its good to tweak one thing at a time when your site is under split testing changes. The less you experiment with the site, the more youll know what works at jolting up your figures.

About the Author: Bal Rai is an Internet Marketing Consultant at eTrack Media, one of the leading Digital Marketing Companies in India(

) that provides the best web design and development services, SEO and social media management services to full-service marketing firms as well as end clients.


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