Internet Phone Service: A Boon To Communication Industry

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Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) or commonly term as phone service over the internet or internet phone service is one of the hottest and most hyped technologies in the communications industry. A VoIP phone utilizes the Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology wherein our voice is converted into digital signal that is transmitted over the Internet .With internet phone service or VoIP technology the communication needs such as telephony, conferencing, e-mail are now more affordable and flexible.

When Voice over Internet Protocol technology first arrived, many people were skeptical, mainly because it sounded too good to be true. However, as time has passed and this technology has proven itself time after time, these same people are now realizing that the future of VoIP technology is indeed a viable communication tool. Packet8 is an easy-to-use and affordable broadband telephone and videophone service plan.

Instead of using the local telephone company, one can get the service directly over there internet also known as broad band connection with high quality of calls. The internet service providers are commonly offering the low rate than conventional phone company, even for long distance and international call. With the use of internet phone services the user never has to change their phone number even if they are relocated to any another country.

Over the past several years, we have witnessed the growth of Voice over Internet Protocol and the advancements in technology to provide circuit switched communications using the Internet and private IP networks. Voice over Internet Protocol is gaining popularity as current economic pressures combined with large investments made in networking technology from the days of the Internet have many firms considering the advantages of combining their voice and data networks. By utilizing existing infrastructures, the migration of voice onto a common network with data raises hopes of increased efficiencies and reduced expenditure. The future of VoIP technology is looking very promising as new dimensions are being explored; alternate satellite signals and new enhancements offered to customers.

The benefits of IP-based networks include:

• The ability to run a wide variety of applications over a unified network.

• Solve the problem of incompatible radio communications.

• Promote collaboration between military personnel, joint forces, coalition partners, and civilian agencies for disaster relief.

• Provide a foundation for convergence.

• Cost savings in network administration and recurring communications costs due to the ability to transport and manage voice, data, and video over a unified infrastructure.

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