The Spiritual Side Of Yoga}

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The Spiritual Side of Yoga


Ambrosio Thompson

The main idea behind yoga is two fold. Yoga is designed to strengthen your body although it is not as much of a cardiovascular type of exercise as it is a meditative exercise. All of the movements that are associated with yoga are slow and controlled as well as the breathing. This is designed to help strengthen your lungs as well as your body and mind.


Everyone has their own understandings of the spiritual side of the practice of yoga. The basic idea behind yoga is similar, the unity of all things. This includes the earth, stars, and universe all exist as one. It is believed that the aura or layers of energy emanate from all things. For many people there is a strong feeling of having a connection with all things.

Yoga is known as a strong variable in creating a healthy balanced body and a much more peaceful state of mind. Patanjali Yoga has been known to have eight limbs which include Yama, Niyama, Asans, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dahrana, Dhyana, and Samadhi.

Your technique and posture are extremely important when practicing Yoga. All seven charkas much remain in a specific alignment and the movements should always be slow and graceful. When practicing yoga you should have perfect body motions combined with the correct breathing. There are many people who believe that there is a divine energy about Yoga.

For many people the power of Yoga has been known to be an alternative to conventional medicine for patients who are suffering from specific addictions, asthma, cancer, depression, headaches, high blood pressure, rheumatism, and general to severe back pain.

Yoga has been known to help people ease their mind and let go of their day to day stress. Others consider it sufficient treatment for multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, and osteoporosis. Always ask your doctor what is the best idea for you.

Written by Ambrosio Thompson. Find the latest information on

Yoga for health

as well as

spritual side of yoga

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The Spiritual Side of Yoga


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