Turmeric And Avocado Mask For Rosacea

Submitted by: Jan Aquino

Rosacea is a common skin condition that can be embarrassing, distressing and often times frustrating. It is characterized by constant flushing, inflammation and red patches on the cheeks, chin and nose area. Other symptoms of rosacea are swelling, stinging, rashes and thread veins on the face. These physical effects often results to emotional stress, anxiety, depression, embarrassment, left patients feeling helpless and isolated. People with rosacea have very sensitive skin and using skin care products with harsh chemicals can worsen the skin condition. Using home remedies made from natural ingredients can be a good alternative to improve skin affected by rosacea.

Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is a rhizomatous herbaceous perennial plant of the ginger family, Zingiberaceae. Turmeric is a natural ingredient that has anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and ayurvedic properties. Turmeric has been used in India for thousands of years and is a major part of Ayurvedic medicine. It was first used as a dye and then later for its possible medicinal properties. Phytochemicals found in turmeric have been investigated in preliminary research for their potential effects on diseases,such as cancer, arthritis, diabetes and other clinical disorders. It is widely used in many Asian countries to rejuvenate skin, as a sunscreen, skin exfoliant and skin scrub. It also heals and prevents dry skin, oily skin and acne outbreaks. You can make a rosacea mask using turmeric and common ingredients found in your kitchen.

A natural home remedy for Rosacea, made of Turmeric and Avocado will surely calm and soothe Rosacea flare ups. The Avocado has Anti-Inflammatory properties Phytonutrient compound found in avocados, such as polyphenols and flavonoids have been found to have anti-inflammatory properties, thereby reducing the risk of inflammatory and degenerative disorders. That’s why, in this recipe, both Turmeric and Avocado will be used. With an easy to follow recipe, this skin relief provider will surely be your new best friend. Try this turmeric rosacea home remedy to reduce the redness and rejuvenate your skin.

Turmeric and Avocado Mask for Rosacea



2 Tbsp of plain, organic yoghurt

A quarter of a small Avocado

Tsp of Turmeric spice (Katsuri turmeric)

Mash the Avocado with a fork. Mix in the yoghurt and turmeric spice. Continue mixing until it becomes uniform in color.

Apply to clean skin. Leave on for 15-20 minutes and then rinse with tepid water. Pat with a towel to dry.

All three ingredients of this turmeric rosacea home remedy have anti-inflammatory properties. It is best used to calm and soothe the skin especially if it feels irritated during flare-ups. Another step in controlling rosacea is to consult a dermatologist. Find a skin expert who would work with you in tailoring a Rosacea management plan to improve your symptoms- physically, emotionally and mentally. Living with it might be challenging and hard, but it can be managed.

Have you tried and tested other rosacea home remedies? Join the conversation on the Rosacea Support Facebook page. Like us on Facebook.com/RosaceaSupport and share your favorite homemade treatment for Rosacea. Living with Rosacea can be easier with the support of family, friends and fellow Rosacea patients. Let other people know that they are not alone.

About the Author: RosaceaSupport is your online guide to Rosacea Information. Discover your best treatment options for Rosacea. Find out how you can remove the redness.




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